Establishment of Rights of Way for Power Lines
We manage the entire process for establishing Rights of Way for Power Lines, from cadastral surveys and evaluations to engaging with property owners and compensating the rightful property holders required for the construction of future electrical infrastructure.
The establishment of Rights of Way on properties for electrical installations has gained prominence in recent years, often presenting challenges in many infrastructure projects. This is a well-known issue for many project promoters. With this expertise, we offer proactive advice, solutions, and support, integrating all stakeholders in the process.

Geometric Talks boasts a technical team with extensive experience in Electric Infrastructure Projects, particularly in Medium, High, and Extra-High Voltage Line projects for EDP, E-Redes, REN, and renewable energy infrastructure promoters.
The team is fully equipped to meet all client requirements and specificities with a high level of competence.
Rights of Way
To achieve this, a set of tasks and procedures will be implemented with the ultimate goal of compensating property owners for objectively assessed direct and indirect damages. Additionally, this process will provide the necessary land for the construction of supports and cables for the power line, ensuring compliance with established safety standards regarding the protection zone before the line becomes operational.

Topographic Survey

A topographic survey systematically collects detailed information about rural or urban properties within a specific geographical area. This data enables the creation of a cadastral map, where property boundaries are represented as closed polygons, with ownership details associated with each property.
A critical factor in this activity is the project location, particularly whether the municipality falls under the National Cadastral Information System (SNIC) or not.
In municipalities without an official cadastre, several challenges can arise, such as abandoned properties, unclear property boundaries, overgrown land, and rural depopulation. Despite these difficulties, our team is equipped to conduct cadastral surveys, utilizing over 20 years of experience to ensure precision, which is crucial for the success of subsequent activities.
Evaluation and Contact with Property Owners
We handle the “Contact with Property Owners” or “Notice to Owners” phase, where property owners and other interested parties are informed about the project. This phase provides general information, including aerial easement restrictions, and more specific details, such as compensation amounts or property identification.
Before contacting owners, a thorough “Evaluation” of already registered properties is conducted to determine the compensation amounts owed to owners or other interested parties.

Compensation Payments
As part of the Easement Establishment process, we facilitate compensation payments to property owners and/or other interested parties, in accordance with legal requirements, ensuring the necessary signatures from all signatories.
Process Management and Documentation in Database
All the activities described generate data (cadastral, evaluation, etc.) and documentation. This information is stored in a relational database, optimizing the production of documents related to Easement Establishment, such as Identification and Evaluation Sheets, Area Maps, Compensation Agreement Contracts, and more. For better control of negotiations with property owners, all interactions are recorded in the same database, allowing for integrated reporting, such as Status Reports, for efficient project monitoring. Â

Some projects promoted by renewable energy infrastructure developers may require the leasing of land for project implementation. Following a similar methodology to the easement process, we handle the leasing process, including negotiation management, documentation, and database entry. This often involves areas designated for solar or wind farms, access roads, and more.